Profile PictureBlack Broly

The BlackBroly Workout

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Frustrated With Your Lack Of Progress?


I was in the same position when I began my fitness journey. Doing random workouts that got me zero results. After finally educating myself with thousands of hours of research and experimentation, I was able to create workouts that were highly effective.

These bulking and cutting workout programs are the exact programs that I follow to achieve my physique. They are designed for any gym-goer who is looking to pack on size and increase their strength. These programs focus on hypertrophy and building muscle through a combination of heavy compound lifts and high-volume training to stimulate muscle growth and boost strength. Workouts include exercises such as bench press, squats, and barbell rows, performed for multiple sets of 8-12 reps. The emphasis is on using heavy weights and pushing the body to its limits to stimulate muscle growth.

Some may ask "What's the secret? It can't just be your workout program"

And to those people I say "It's a combination of an extremely effective workout program paired consistency and dedication."

There aren't any magic secrets to instantly get jacked. Trust me I've tried to find ways.

It took me years to finally find out what worked and after I discovered that, the progression of my physique and strength skyrocketed. I finally learned the importance of following an effective workout program and I am here to provide that to you. Diet and mindset are the two other highly important aspects when it comes to making progress and 'Broly Meals' gives you many high protein and easy to make recipes. My personal E-books also dive deep into everything that goes into building muscle and how to shift into a positive and efficient mindset. This is provided to you all for less than the price of your gym membership.



Basic Package $9.99

  • Program - My highly effective and simple workout plan $50 value

($50 package value)

Premium Package $14.99

  • Program - My highly effective and simple workout plan $50 value
  • Broly Meals - 20 of my favorite meals for both cutting and bulking with recipes included $50 value 

($100 package value)

Lifetime Package $29.99

  • Bulking and Cutting Programs - Both of my highly effective and simple workout plans $100 value 
  • Broly Meals - 20 of my favorite meals for both cutting and bulking with recipes included $50 value
  • 30 Minute Full Body Workout Program - If you're ever running low on time and need a quick but effective workout $30 value
  • Killer Ab Routine - My 5 minute ab routine that will sculpt and strengthen your core $30 value
  • Cardio Routine - Cardio explained and my personal cardio routine $20 value
  • Pre-Made Workout Tracker - A workout tracker made specifically for this program that already has all of the values input for you. Used to monitor your progressive overload $20 value
  • Lifetime Program Updates - you will get program updates (new/modified programs) every month
  • 10 Personal E-Books - 10 of my personal E-books to help you with your fitness journey $400 value

($590 package value)

 Who is Black Broly

  • I have been training and creating programs for 5+ years
  • Over 150k followers on TikTok (@blackbroly99)
  • I strongly believe in leading by example so that means that every program I give you is one that I personally use. I've done all of the research and experimentation to provide to you the most effective workout program for building lean muscle.
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The BlackBroly Workout

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The BlackBroly Workout

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